Christian BORDES Imagerie Électro-photonique - Formation à la santé globale - Conférences, Stages & Séjours

Nutrition du sportif ( en Anglais )

Optimization of the physiological capacities of

sportsmen by the adoption of bio-nutritional preparation

Survey carried during an Himalayan

Our survey is based on a true sporting challenge : nearly
300 km walking during 18 days for a group of 18 people
in the area of Everest (Himalaya – Nepal). This trek
includes the climbing of several peaks of about 6000 m
and more for 5 consecutive days.

The subjects : more or less trained trekkers

The 18 persons who took part in this survey are good
walkers but only 7 of them already had one or several
Himalayan experiences. Eleven never experienced high
altitude and this expedition was really a first !
Objectives : study the acclimatization at high
altitude and emphasize the interest of a bionutritional
and herbal-nutritional preparation for
the sportsman (woman)

Taking into account the efforts required for such an
expedition and the difficulties frequently encountered in
this situation, our aim was to demonstrate the benefit of a
personalized and followed-up bionutritional preparation
for the sportsman in a context of extreme adaptation.

The carried-out means

These classic techniques have the objective of indicating
an eventual underlying problem or a temporary inability to
support exposure to high altitude.
The Iomet program shows, through a targeted
questionnaire, the bionutritional profile which, thanks to
specific nutritional advice and intake of nutritional
products, balances the deficiencies and excesses, to
optimize the individual background profile.
This GDV measurement technique (Gas Discharge
Visualization) was carried out by a group of Russian
scientists of St Petersbourg university, managed by The
Professor Konstantin Korotkov after 25 years of in depth
investigations on the measurement of body
electromagnetic fields. Continuing work of Kirlian, the
process today enables us, with a reduced size device
and in just two minutes, to measure the human energy
field emitted by each of the ten fingers and to establish
then, thanks to an appropriate software taking into
account all the corresponding energy levels, a detailed
checkup of the functional state of the whole body.
If we use a specific filter which absorbs all frequencies
linked with mental and physical activity, we can compare
the overall functional state to the one linked with the
vegetative life.
When we are aware of the influence of emotional factors on
energy fields, this distinction which is exclusive to this
method, is particularly interesting.
GDV is officially approved as a medical process by the
Russian Ministry of Health. Presently, thanks to the
collaboration of biophysicists, physiologists and doctors,
university researchers of worldwide, these researches
provide a scientific base to the concept of informational
energy within living beeings. International congresses
yearly take place in Europe and in St Petersburg bringing
together worldwide doctors and researchers using this
system . An increasing number of medical offices and
university hospitals are equipped with such GDV material.
This process is now used in 42 countries.

A strict preparation

Test of effort and ECG have widely been recommended to
everybody. All those who gave us their results were within
the norms.
For each of them, considering their usual physical
activities, an individual training program was proposed
during the 5 months previous to the expedition.
All participants carried out a Iomet analysis and have
followed, one to two months before the departure, an
appropriated course of treatment to optimize their
bionutritional background profile. At the same time,
adopting healthy dietary recommendations.


The first GDV measurements were carried out from the
beginning of August in the High Pyrenees Mountains, at
an altitude of 2600 m, during a training week-end.
They provided an initial check-up reference to follow and
measure the regular evolution of each of them. From the
demonstrative and educational point of view GDV
permitted everybody to evaluate himself on the energy
scale and to know which parts had to be preferentially


Limit the incidence of the factors of predisposition

On a group of 18 persons, typology and ease of
adaptability are different. Considering that during
performance efforts, the body mainly draws from
carbohydrates and lipids used in their active form (glucose
and fatty acids), stamina should be more important for
those who are slightly « fat ».
At the beginning of physical effort, glucose will be used
then the lipids located in fatty cells. After more effort, the
muscular supply of proteins will be progressively used in
order to make possible neoglucogeneration.
Obviously, the more the person is trained for this type of
effort and the more he/she will regularly have the
opportunity to immerse him/herself in high altitude before
the departure, the better he/she will be prepared for an
optimum use of energetic resources.
To avoid the incidence of predisposing factors, we have
proposed and managed regular physical trainings
according to individual needs and possibilities, combined
with an adequate diet resulting from the Iomet
recommendations and eventual recommendation to put on
weight if necessary (combination of proteins with
carbohydrates which definitely favours intake of proteins
by insulin production).

Optimize the individual profile before departure

This is the main concept of Iomet which determines an
individual background profile and enables to know each
one's needs to optimize predisposing profile.
It was interesting during our project to see which were the
specific handicaps and risks, during the expedition, in
order to take preventive and corrective actions.


Diet during the trip and expedition

On site, we adopted the local gastronomy which was
really good and caused some excesses in such a
context compared to an ideal diet in such circumstances.
The bio-nutritional complementation proposed by Iomet
was followed during all the trekking and was enriched,
with the following objectives :


One of the major risks frequently observed is muscular
loss which results from two successive processes :
– the neoglucogeneration which spontaneously occurs
and draws from the muscular mass precious reserves to
compensate for increased needs at altitude.
– a deficiency in essential amino acids involved by an
insufficient intake of quality proteins due to problems of
supply and of distance. Thus preventing a synthesis
sufficient to compensate the deficiencies.
This progressive loss of weight is combined with
tiredness, cramps and problems of recovery from effort.
To avoid this risk, we have supplemented our breakfast
with protein preparations such as Ergynutril.


At high altitude, aerobic reactions are less and less
efficient by progressive decrease of the partial oxygen
pressure. We often notice lack of appetite and attention.
Enjoying one's meals and maintaining initial weight are
excellent signs of acclimatization.
The needs are the following :
– carbohydrates should be more than half of the calorie
intake. They include 90 % of slow digestion
carbohydrates : whole rice or half whole (full of B15
vitamin, pangamic acid) => which is an excellent cellular
oxygenator, pasta, cereals, etc. and 10 % simple sugars
(dried fruit, jam, honey) avoiding refined sugars.

 Le logiciel d'exploitation des mesures GDV permet de Visualiser différentes représentations et diagrammes : Ci contre, en haut :

– le signal énergétique mesuré au niveau des dix doigts

– l'extrapolation du champ énergétique sur l'ensemble de l'organisme .


– les diagrammes montrant le niveau fonctionnel (hypo,normo ou hyper) des différents organes ou systèmes. Il existe d'autres modèles synthétiques, dont un tableau récapitulatif de toutes les fonctions physiologiques et leur situation énergétique.

Subject n°3. Before departure (left) and before the nutritional treatment, a disturbed energy field combined with the Iomet profile.
During expedition (right) : the graph shows an important level of energy by maximum adaptation of the body systems (in spite of an
high altitude : 4800 meters).

– Proteins are the main nutriments and represent 90 % of
the muscle. They can be animal proteins (fish, meat,
eggs or Yack cheese, etc.) or vegetable (peas, lentils,
beans, soja) and should be 15 % of the ration.
– Lipids meet the remaining ration (35 %) as follows : 2/3
unsatured fatty acids and 1/3 saturated fatty acids. Too
many saturated fatty acids quickly decrease the
resistance to effort.
A good control of the energy requirements avoids what
we could define « explosion of carbohydrates ». For this,
we combine with carbohydrates a ration of proteins in
order to postpone the combustion of carbohydrates. The
flatter curve indicating blood sugar level thus obtained
avoids the significant increase of blood sugar level
followed by a peak of insulin level which is undesirable,
involving in most of the cases an energy « debt » which
is difficult to recover during effort.


To suplement the food which was proposed to us on the
trek and the products resulting from the Iomet, we took
the following complements :
– ERGYNUTRIL : 1 high protein preparation was
systematically included in the daily breakfast combined with usual carbohydrates (porridge, thick pancakes, bread,
rice…) and a protein bar when necessary was taken as well
during effort (to twice a day) to avoid the traditional bars
sometimes full of excessive simple sugar.
– ERGYMAG to prevent acidosis phenomenon.
– ERGYCALM was largely used by the whole group every
evening at the camp. This enabled a better recuperation
and facilitated better sleeping in spite of the uncomfortable
nights in altitude. By this way, we avoided consumption of
sleeping pills likely to aggravate the « altitude severe
sickness » with all the risks we can know during sleeping.
– Coca (homeopathic dilution) which was really helpfull for
our acclimatization
– Guarana (powder) from Guayapi laboratory gave us the
possibility when it was necessary to benefit from a « long
period » energy during these difficult days of climbing
requiring the whole of our energetic functions.

GDV measurements performed during expedition

We carried out regular checks at various altitudes with all
the required precautions in order to guarantee reliable
measurements, in spite of sometimes extreme conditions.
This permitted us to check participants' condition at different
important times of the trek related to the clinical data
collected at the same time.

Amazing results
The most surprising fact was the quality of energy fields
recorded as we climbed to high altitude (inverse
proportional phenomenon to what we could imagine at
the departure of our expedition !). The best form level
was paradoxically recorded at the base camp level
(5200 m), the night before the last climb in spite of very
uncomfortable conditions and very low temperature
(around –15°C outside the tents !)

Evidences of bioavailabity of the nutritional

We have here the best evidence of biological availability
of the products taken. Effectively, various other
expeditions walking on the same circuit have seen their
trekkers loosing weight (sometimes up to 13 kg less !)
despite an excellent overall form and independent of
pathological phenomenon. On the contrary, in our case,
some of the subjects who generally have problems to
put on weight , were able to gain up to 3 Kg.
ERGYMAG, also largely used during the trip, enabled us
to prevent cramps and muscular tiredness. Thus, the
muscular efficiency was increased despite the oxygen
deficiency due to altitude.
ERGYCALM, was also regularly used to facilitate better
nights and a good sleep all along the trip. We took 3
doses in a glass of water a small while before bedtime
and this enabled us at all altitudes (except the first night
at 5200 m !) to efficiently rest. This is an essential factor
for such trek !

Measurements performed on Sherpas people

We performed GDV measurements on our
accompanying Sherpas who are used to living in such
conditions. The unsatistactory quality of the obtained
pictures perplexed us when we know the extremely real
performance capacities of these Himalayan natives !

Above : AMA DABLAN (6814 m) sacred mountain
Below : some participants of the whole group on top of Island
Peak (nearly 6200 m)


This expedition required the set up of reliable means to
enable us to reach the scheduled aims. We tried to be
closer to the optimum « bio-cellular » condition, considering
both our trainings physically « measured » as well as the
nutritional aspect. Taking into account all the parameters,
made us possible to win this challenge and to come back in
an exceptional physical & mental peak form.
Three factors allowed us to check this effective adaptation :
– the form which was excellent when coming back
– the weight which was not lost and sometimes put on
– the GDV measurements
This study indicated to us that the well prepared and trained
body has very little suffered in spite of important physical
adaptation requirements.
The difference noticed on the Sherpas who did not show so
good an adaptation hightlights the interest of nutritional
courses of treatment, that they of course could not benefit
from and that we took before and during the expedition.
We did not find any other reasons allowing us to explain a
real energy deficiency of the one examined Sherpa, while
this deficiency was not noted on any of our own
supplemented participants.

Christian BORDES, Physiotherapist, Osteopath
Official diploma of mountaineering
Managed the expedition and performed the GDV measures



This survey will be presented at the Dublin's IEEE CBMS

2005 international symposium (the 18th international

symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems)

Complete publication available :

– on web-site

– on request to the author :

Christian Bordes, F-65250 HECHETTES

Contact for further information :

Tél. (33) 5 62 98 88 00

For information concerning Iomet and Active Cellular

LABORATOIRE NUTERGIA – BP 52 – F-12700 CAPDENAC tél. (33) 5 65 64 71 51