Optimization of The Physiological Capacities at Human
The Bio-Nutritional Assumption of Responsibility of Sportsman
(Survey of an Himalayan Expedition in Everest Area in Nepal (Oct. 2004)
Mr Christian BORDES & Dr Alain CHAUSSE
1. Introduction
True challenge on the capacities of human adaptation, this expedition made it possible to draw part mainly of 2 evaluation methods which are simple, practical and not invasise.
1) IOMET => (Ionic Mineral Enzymo Therapy) analysis created by Dr Claude LAGARDE (France)
2) GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) technique from Dr KOROTKOV (Russia)
First (Iomet) will have made it possible to test our subjects from a simple questionnaire in order to enable an individual bio nutritional preparation. Second (GDV) will have made it possible to practise true « energy balances » on our participants all along the expedition. The two approaches are closely related to the data processing tool. Hereafter the main contents of our study.
Apart from the « traditional » assessments of a medical nature required upstream (ECG, VO2 max, etc), these 2 approaches both closely related to the use of the data-processing tool proved to be of an invaluable help. We will develop later on their respective use and their application.
2. Physiology in altitude
2.1. Difficulties related to the environment (cold, dry air, ultra violet, mineral dust).
2.2. Atmospheric characteristics in altitude :
The more one goes up, the more the pressure of the air and the pressure of oxygen decreases:
Altitude (m) |
Atmospheric pressure (mmhg) |
partial Pressure in oxygen ppO2 (mmhg) |
Temperature q° |
0 |
760 |
159 |
15 |
3000 |
526 |
110 |
-4,5 |
4000 |
462 |
97 |
-11 |
5000 |
405 |
95 |
-17 |
6000 |
354 |
74 |
-24 |
8848 |
236 |
49.5 |
-42 |
To 5000 the ppO2 is reduced by half. That involves a reduction in VO2 max of 30 % approximately in for some acclimatized body.
ppO2: partial oxygen pressure resulting from the pressure reduction of this gas due to altitude
VO2 : maximal consumption of oxygen reached by a subject
2.3. Consequences for the body : need for adaptation.
2.4. Adaptation
Initially, the adaptation is caused by the neuro-vegetative system starting from the carotid chemo-receivers. Acceleration of the rates of heartbeat and respiratory to compensate for the reduction in the oxygen contributions.
2.5. Acclimatization
Installation of an increase in blood cells (like a treatment by EPO)
2.6. The general hypoxia and its consequences
The hypoxia is inevitable and salutary to involve the adaptation, but it can be badly tolerated due to :
– failure of the chemo-receivers
– of a too weak reaction of osseous marrow
– of a too fast rise
– of an extra work (port of a too abundant load)
In all the cases, the hypoxia causes a retention of water by the kidney (=> oedemas) and a reduction in plasmatic volume. That often involves benign and spontaneously recessive very frequent signs:
– headaches 96 % of the cases
– insomnia 70 % of the cases
– anorexia 38 % of the cases
– nauseas 35 % of the cases
– kidneys : retention of water => oedemas
– pulmonary arterial hypertension pre-capillary: pulmonary oedema of high altitude
– the brain: oedema
The general hypoxia and its muscular results : during hypoxia lack of oxygen conducts to a performance x 12 thanks to the mitochondrial system.
Before the departure : traditional controls :
– to check cardiac function EGG and if possible test of effort
– to check respiratory function EFR with VO2 max
– sensitivity of the chemo-receivers (test to the hypoxia)
and physical preparation : to improve the muscular function by exercises at least 3 months before the departure during 40 min 3 to 4 times per week
2.7. Nutritional aspect
All the participants of our group carried out a IoMET analysis and followed a bio-nutritional treatment adapted to their profile during 1 to 3 months.
Iomet (Ionic Mineral Enzyme Therapy) is a computerized analysis, perfected by Claude Lagarde at Nutergia Laboratory. It settles, from a way of life, alimentation habits and functional signs study, a personalized bio-nutritional profile and determines an individual profile.
This state is the result of overfeeding and/or deficiency which can be settled by a bio-nutritional adapted treatment. This treatment, with appropriated dietary advises, will settle the profile by optimizing the cells potential and body performance.
This Iomet profile shows a profile of main dysfunction of blood sugar level “hypoglycémique”, which needs for settlement to be provided with B group vitamins and essential fatty acids. We can notice on the following Iomet graph two secondary profiles : dystonic and “baso-colitique” (digestive dysfunction) which will also taken into account in the nutritional complementation.
3. An innovative approach on the scientific level : the Pr Korotkov's GDV
3.1. Introduction to the energy imagery
This process allows a measurement of the energy level, of all the principal bodies and body systems. It also makes it possible to determine with precision an index of stress and health of the subject. The large last favours tested: measurement does not exceed 2 minutes and does not present any against indication.
3.2. Energy balance GDV
It is one of the most reliable processes at the present time to measure various indices in the sportsman and in a broader way on the human being.
3.3. International notoriety of the technique
The technique of Visualization of Gas Discharge (GDV) is officially approved and recognized like medical technique by the Russian Ministry of health. Currently, its research, thanks to the collaboration of biophysicists, physiologists and doctors, university researchers of the whole world, provides a scientific base to the concept of informational energy within the alive beings.
3.4. Historical of the energy imagery : Brief remind of the pioneers all over the world :
1777 : Lichtenberg (Germany) 1975 Reeves (France) => pressure on materials
1786 Baraduc (France) 1977 Romanii (Russia) +
1900 Tesla (USA)++ 1978 Mendel & Lerner (acupuncture meridians)
1934 Kirlian (Russia)+++ 1980 Jean Mars (study of the energetic parameters)
1971 Hadjo (France)+
Nowadays, the Professor Konstantin Korotkov : His curriculum and researches
Doctor in physical electronics of the polytechnic University of St Petersburg. Since 2003, he is the scientific Director of Energy Field Imaging, Inc. USA (Energy fields imagery). He is author and co-author of more than 200 scientific publications and of different works on Human Energy Fields.
4. The investigation
The experimental support was an expedition in high altitude. It acts of a sporting challenge of scale: nearly 300 km to foot during 18 days for a group of 18 people in the sector of the Everest (the Himalayas – Nepal). This circuit includes the rise of several tops with nearly 6000 m and more over five consecutive days and that without oxygen mask. Five months of preparation were necessary to make in kind optimize the physical condition of the group including more or less trained trekkers. The objectives were to study the acclimatization in high altitude and to objectify the interest of a nutritional complementation for the sportsman. The means implemented included : test of effort and control ECG, Iomet analysis, GDV control imagery.
The first measurements were practised as of August. On the conclusive and educational level, the GDV will have made it possible each one in an energetic field to be located and to know the preferential axes of work which it was wise to improve.
The axes of prevention were :
– to limit the deficiencies in proteins common to expeditions in high altitude : one of the major risks frequently met is a deficiency of contribution in essential amino acids
– limit the incidence of the factors of predisposition : on a group of 18 people typology and the adaptabilities are different. We proposed and framed regular physical drives according to the needs and possibilities of each one, associated an adequate nutrition associating the advises resulting from IoMET ;
– integrate specific dietetic needs for endurance : with altitude, the aerobic reactions are less and less effective by progressive reduction in the PPO2. Ideal proportions concerning carbohydrates, proteins, lipids.
– optimize the individual profile before the departure : it is the base of IoMET which determines an individual profile and makes it possible to know the needs for each one to optimize its profile.
– support the hyper-performance while preparing the recuperation by a complementation during expedition. We here set on a high level bio nutritional approach : the outcome of fifteen years experience.
The GDV software enables to display various graphs and pictures :
Above : – the energetic signal measured at the ten fingers' level – extrapolation of the energy field on the overall body
Below : – graphs show functional level (hypo, normal ou hyper) of different organs or systems
Other synthetic informations are available, such as a summary table of all the physiological functions & their energetic level.
5. The results and related conclusionsThey consist of parameters of the control and analysis carried out on the sherpas of the Himalayas. We took time to calibrate some specified native subjects close to our group during the expedition (description of the images, easy reading, specific Terminology). All this will be totally commented on complete publication, see web site available at the end of this paper. Results and interpretation for 6 selected subjects among 22 (sherpas included): – Subject n° 1: Jacqueline P. 57 years – Subject n° 2: Frank M. – 34 years – Subject n° 3: LISA L. – 25 years – Subject n° 4: Christian M. – 61 years – Subject n° 5: Tibet – 52 years – Subject n° 6: Dawa – 30 years For a better understanding, we will only show here Subject n°3 : Lisa L. Results could show evidence of : – an excellent acclimatization : the more spectacular aspect was the quality of energy fields recorded as we climbed in altitude (inverse proportional phenomenon to what we could imagine at the departure of our expedition !). The best form level was paradoxically recorded at the base camp level (5200 m), the night before the last ascension in spite of the discomfort conditions and of a very low temperature (around –15°C outside the tents) ! – evidence of the bioavailability of the nutritional complements : any possibility “to be pooped” could have lead to dramatic consequences ; a protection of the muscular mass : various other expeditions walking on the same circuit have seen their trekkers loosing weight (sometimes up to 13 kg less). Some of our subjects, put on weight (up to 3 kg) ; an essential take off of the acids : the nutritional complement named “Ergymag” enabled a correct equilibration of the ratio acids/bases. So, the muscular efficiency was increased ; the perfect physical and nervous recovery thanks to the complement named “Ergycalm” also taken by the members of the group, facilitated better sleeping ; the possibility of endorphins positive influence well known for the sportsman. – what to think about measurements performed on Sherpas people => not very good quality of their recorded images, these results can may be explained by the following : ethnic specificity, very rude way of life, chronic reduction of oxygen, sometimes dubious quality of their food and very important efforts due to their painful job. In appendices to this study are available the measurements taken on Sherpas, the existence of a factor of compensation to the service of the life: water (with specific analyses), a privilege related to the high altitude: the ionization of the air. The most extraordinary phenomenon consists in the following fact : after having progressively decreased up to an altitude of 500 to 700 m, it more and more increases with altitude. Two researchers Hess and Hohlhorster have investigated this aspect up to 5000 and 9000 meters and have obtained absolutely corroborating results. The spontaneous ionisation of the air seems to be 7 times more important at 5000 meters than at the sea level. This excellent ionisation of the air as well as the quality of the water are obvious compensation factors that native people take advantage of for their health. 6. ConclusionsThis expedition required the set up of reliable means. Three factors have enabled us to check this real adaptation : the initial form when coming back, the weight which was not lost and sometimes was put on, the GDV measurements. This study showed us that the well prepared and trained body has very little suffered in spite of important physical adaptation requirements. Such a good adaptation evidences the important role of the nutritional complements and by this way a perfect biological availability.